Business Idea Generator | Groningen

We all know that the first step is always the hardest, especially when it comes to coming up with that genius business idea. But don't worry, the Business Idea Generator is here to help you out!
For whom?
The Business Idea Generator is for every student who is bursting with creativity and is looking for ways to turn that into an entrepreneurial idea. Whether you already have an idea or are still waiting for that one inspiration, you'll work with fellow students and experts to find solutions to real business challenges.
Why participate?
The Business Idea Generator is your secret weapon to wake up that entrepreneur in you. During this session:
- Work in teams with other brilliant students and problem specialists.
- Brainstorm your innovative and sustainable solutions to real business problems.
- Get the chance to come up with the next brilliant business idea (previous editions have already produced incredible ideas!).
This is the chance to unleash your entrepreneurial superpowers, so don't miss out!
Free access (including dinner! 🍽️ )